Common dental marketing industry myths

Common dental marketing industry myths

Common dental marketing industry myths

Uncovering the Truth: Common Dental Marketing Industry Myths

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Common dental marketing industry myths

As a dentist, you understand the importance of marketing your practice in order to attract and retain new patients. However, with so much information available online, it can be difficult to distinguish fact from fiction. That’s why we’ve set out to uncover the truth behind some of the most common dental marketing industry myths. By debunking these myths, we hope to provide you with a better understanding of what it takes to build a successful marketing strategy for your practice.

Myth #1: SEO is the only marketing strategy you need

Search engine optimization (SEO) plays an important role in promoting your practice online, but it’s not the only strategy you should focus on. In fact, a comprehensive marketing strategy should include a variety of tactics, such as social media marketing, content marketing, email marketing, and more. By diversifying your marketing efforts, you’ll be better able to reach a wider audience and keep your practice top-of-mind with potential patients.

Myth #2: More website traffic equals more patients

While it’s true that attracting more visitors to your website can increase the likelihood of acquiring new patients, it’s not the only factor to consider. The quality of the traffic that’s coming to your site is just as important as the quantity. By targeting specific audiences with your marketing efforts, such as by geographic location, age, or interests, you’ll be more likely to attract the right kind of traffic that’s more likely to convert into patients.

Myth #3: Marketing solely focuses on new patients

Many dental practices make the mistake of only focusing on acquiring new patients through their marketing efforts, but it’s important not to neglect your existing patient base. By nurturing relationships with your current patients through personalized communication, special offers, and loyalty programs, you can increase patient retention and encourage referrals, which can be a powerful source of new patient acquisition.

Myth #4: Marketing is expensive

While it’s true that marketing can be costly, it doesn’t have to break the bank. There are many cost-effective marketing tactics that can be just as effective as more expensive options. For example, social media marketing is a great way to reach a wide audience with minimal costs, while email marketing can be a powerful way to nurture relationships with your existing patient base. By focusing on tactics that align with your budget and goals, you can create a successful marketing strategy without overspending.

Myth #5: You can handle marketing on your own

While it’s true that some dentists have the skills and knowledge to handle marketing on their own, it’s not always the best use of your time and resources. Working with a reputable dental marketing agency can provide you with access to a team of experts who can create and execute a customized marketing strategy tailored to your practice’s specific needs and goals. This can help you achieve better results and increase the success of your marketing efforts overall.

Marketing your dental practice can be a real challenge, especially with so much misinformation out there. By uncovering the truth behind some of the most common dental marketing industry myths, we hope to have provided you with a better understanding of what it takes to build a successful marketing strategy for your practice. By focusing on a diverse range of marketing tactics, targeting the right audience, nurturing existing patients, and working with a trusted marketing agency, you can attract more patients and grow your practice over time. Remember, marketing is an investment in the future of your practice, and it’s important to take the time and effort to do it right.

Threads vs. Twitter

Threads vs. Twitter

What makes Meta’s new app Threads different from Twitter?

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In today’s digital age, there is an ever-growing number of social media platforms at our disposal. Two such platforms, Threads and Twitter, have gained popularity in their own right. Both platforms provide a space for users to share their thoughts and opinions with others in a concise and engaging manner. However, these platforms differ in their approach and functionality. In this blog, we will take a closer look at the differences between Threads and Twitter, allowing you to make an informed decision on which platform is the best option for you.

Which is the Best Option for You

Threads is a platform designed by Instagram that focuses on private messaging. It caters to close-knit groups of friends, providing an intimate space for interactions. One of its key features is that it allows users to organize friends into different categories, providing an organized approach to messaging. Threads also offer a status feature that allows users to share quick updates with their friends. This allows for more private conversations and lets users share their personal lives with those they trust. If your focus is socializing with close friends, Threads fits the bill.


On the other hand, Twitter is a popular social media platform used for everything from broadcasting news to personal expression. It offers the ability to share short messages known as “tweets” with followers. This platform enables users to create a broad network of people they can interact with. One of Twitter’s key features is that it allows for the amplification of content through the use of hashtags and retweets. This amplification allows the promotion of content to a much larger audience. If you focus on reaching a larger audience, Twitter is your platform.


Threads is a more private platform, allowing you to control who you share your content with. However, its intimate nature limits its growth potential, with less exposure to a broader audience. In contrast, Twitter offers wider exposure to a bigger audience, albeit at the cost of privacy. Twitter exposes your content to a larger demographic, including people you may not know, and opens you up to a higher level of engagement. As such, the choice between Threads and Twitter is dependent on your socializing style and goals – whether you prefer intimate conversations with trusted friends or wide-reaching conversations with diverse audiences.

In terms of content, Threads enables the sharing of photos and videos with friends through direct messaging. This feature is incredibly useful for sharing personal updates, making it a platform that focuses on visual communication. Twitter, on the other hand, focuses on expressing broad ideas and opinions through written content. This leads to more text-based interactions, but it also allows users to link to other external sources, making it a great platform to share informative articles and interesting pieces.

See what works best for you

Both Threads and Twitter are excellent platforms that cater to different needs, and both have their own unique features that make them stand out. Threads is great for private conversations, sharing personal updates, and connecting with close friends, while Twitter is great for broad networking, sharing ideas, and potentially reaching a wider audience. Deciding between the two platforms is dependent on your personal goals and needs. We hope this blog has given you a clearer idea of what these platforms offer, allowing you to make an informed decision on which platform is the best option for you.

Marketing Trends in 2020

Marketing Trends for 2020
Marketing trends to pay attention to

Marketing Trends

In 2020

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6 Marketing Trends for 2020

This year is coming to an end and you may be deep in thought reflecting on what worked for you as you marketed your dental services online during the year and what may need to change in the coming year. As you strategize to market your dental services in the coming year, here are some important trends for 2020 as revealed by Edvalson Marketing, the best dental marketing company.

Trend #1: Relying Soley on Google Analytics Could Make You Fall Behind Your Competitors

You may be shocked to hear us say that in 2020, the dental firms that rely on Google Analytics will fall behind their competitors. The truth is, Google Analytics is a very good tool, especially given the fact that it is free. Let us take you back for a bit so that you get the next point that we are going to make about marketing in 2020.

Do you remember what happened to Nokia to make it fall spectacularly from pole position as a communications company? Their CEO is reported to have publicly stated that while they didn’t do anything wrong, they still failed as a company. The real story is that Nokia didn’t adapt quickly enough to the growth of smartphone technology, so they fell by the wayside.
Back to Google Analytics. It is a great tool, but marketing is evolving so quickly to include new marketing channels, such as voice search and techniques like upselling and checkout bumps.

Google Analytics may not give you the whole picture of your marketing landscape. For example, it doesn’t capture affiliate marketing and monetized webinars. This means that you have to look for additional tools to complement what Google Analytics can do for your dental site. Business intelligence solutions, such as Google Data Studio and Amplitude are examples of alternatives that give a more comprehensive picture of your marketing landscape and efforts. Don’t know which analytics tool to integrate for marketing purposes? Get in touch with us and our dental marketing experts will analyze your needs and recommend the best analytic solution.

Trend #2: Optimization for Voice Search Will Increase

Voice search is increasing in popularity and will likely command at least 50 percent of all online searches in 2020. However, voice search hasn’t yet been exploited to generate revenue for businesses, but this may change with time. So, how is voice search important for your dental firm? Voice search makes it possible to put your brand before more people, and that could eventually bring revenue in if other measures are taken to capitalize on that brand awareness. You therefore need to work with the best digital marketing company so that you can benefit from the traffic available through voice search.

Trend #3: Moats Will Become Extinct, Except for Brands

In business, a moat is anything that shields you from the competition and keeps you in pole position. For example, one company may offer its products at such a great price that the competition finds it hard to eat into their market share.
In the online landscape, moats will die out fast in 2020 because it is now very easy for any innovation to be copied. What will survive are brands. For example, the Kardashians have built such a powerful brand that any of them, such as Kylie Jenner, can take an ordinary business and build it into a multi-billion dollar entity.

It is therefore important for your dental firm to devote a lot more attention to branding as the marketing tool of 2020 and beyond. With expert dental branding help, your firm will not only survive but also soar in the years to come. Look at Tesla, American Express, Michael Jordan and Ferrari as examples of entities that are enjoying the benefits of a strong brand. Influencer marketing has become huge largely because of the increasing power of branding.

Trend #4: Automation Will Be the Differentiator in Marketing

Going forward, the marketing landscape will become even for all and the entities that would like to rise above the rest will have to look to marketing automation. What is leveling the playing field in marketing are the resources that are now available to all companies wishing to fund their campaigns. For instance, Lighter Capital and Brex make it easier to access loans and higher credit card limits even when you are a new business.

Now that everyone can compete with “the big boys” in terms of marketing budgets, automation is fast emerging as the differentiator. Software solutions are now having an AI component so that marketing efforts can be targeted in a better way. Automation and artificial intelligence (AI) are therefore the tools of the future for those who want their dental care businesses to stand out from the crowd.

Trend #5: Optimization Will Be Tailored Towards Bringing Marginal Gains

The level playing field in marketing referred to earlier means that the era of “a silver bullet” that delivers the goods, so to speak, will be no more. All marketing efforts will be aimed at tweaking existing measures, such as email marketing campaigns, Google ads and social media marketing so that those small changes converge to deliver outcomes that are bigger than the sum of the efforts invested.

The catch is that those optimization efforts are unlikely to come at a small cost, so those who will win in 2020 need to have the best digital dental marketing company on their side so that the resources invested bring a worthwhile return.

Trend #6: Personalization Will Hold Sway in Marketing

The increasing role of automation and AI in marketing in going to take personalization to a whole new level.
The growing dissatisfaction with the existing marketing methods arises from the realization that less than 5 percent of site visitors are converted (that is, pay for your dental services).

That is a very low return for the marketing dollars invested, and 2020 will see a huge shift to personalized marketing efforts.
Let us look at Amazon as an example of how this works. If you have ever purchased products from this online retailer, your buying habits and preferences are tracked and each time you visit the site you are immediately shown products similar to what you usually buy.

For instance, Amazon would never show you dog food if you only buy electronics from the site. Instead, they will display products in the same category as what you usually buy. In this way, the chance that you will buy something during each site visit is high. In the same way, marketing for the dental industry is likely to take on a more personalized character so that each visitor is converted to a buyer.

As a player in the dental industry, you may not be familiar with many of the concepts and trends discussed above and you may be about to throw up your arms in defeat, but don’t do that. Help is at hand; just get in touch with us at Edvalson Marketing. We will make sure that your dental practice is poised to take full advantage of the latest marketing techniques and technologies. The results will speak for themselves!

4 Small Business Password Management Techniques to Try


4 Small Business Password Management Techniques to Try

Security is a critical issue for any business. It may be a more technologically advanced era, but that also means that there is a greater need to protect your data since there are increasing numbers of digital techniques for breaching security that you must guard against. It’s not only about protecting your data within your business headquarters. When security breaches are discussed, it is inevitable for people to think that insider company information — like their employees’ personal details, their customers’ payment information, and key corporate files — is the target. The truth, however, is that a business must also keep an eye on its social media accounts. Hacking is quite common — there have already been a number of high-profile hacking incidents involving more established companies in the past.

Digital damage

You might not lose sensitive or confidential information when an individual with malicious intent gains control of your Facebook or Twitter accounts, but think about the entirely different kind of damage that this can cause. A hacker could publish false information that gets shared in a flash, misleading everyone who reads it. Images or photos could be released, damaging the brand. Even simply preventing a company from accessing its own social media accounts could potentially result in significant losses, marketing- or profit-wise.

Keeping your accounts safe

There are ways to prevent your social media accounts and profiles from falling into the hands of hackers. Choose and protect a good password.  Effective small business password management is your first line of defense against malicious attacks. Choose a solution that would allow even multiple individuals to edit and publish content without having to enter the actual password. Monitor social accounts every single day. Keeping a close eye on your accounts is also a simple way to detect any strange activity that could indicate a hack. Have you noticed any posts that are different in subject or scope from what your company typically posts? Is there a pattern emerging regarding the times that content gets published — or has the posting schedule become erratic? Have there been changes made to the account information? Any of these could be signs that the account has been breached. Be wary of third-party apps that access your social accounts.  It has become common to access third-party apps through Facebook or Twitter for greater convenience, but pay attention to the permissions they are asking you to grant. When you agree that the app can “post to your account,” you could be opening your account up to unknown users.  Create a contingency plan. Finally, if a hacker does succeed in taking control of your social media account, you need to be prepared to take action. Consult the professionals and establish a policy that all concerned team members must be able to execute to begin recovery from the security breach.